Word Family book and more

I'm back!  Did you miss me?  I've created a new kit for Teachers Pay Teachers.  This past school year I tutored at Blake's school two days a week.  Many of the students I tutored needed help seeing word patterns.  A great way to do this is teach word families.     

I created a word family book for you to use in your class. Each child can create their own word family
book. Each page focuses on one word family (_ack, _ap, _at, _eep, _en, _et, _in, _ing, _ock, _og, _ool,
and _ug). I left the sheets open enough that you could either have the children draw pictures and/or
write the words for the word family.

For each word family you will also find a worksheet to go with each word family.

I created a web map for the _ap, _et, _ing, _ock and _ug families. I gave them a word and picture in the
middle of the web. The children then need to write and illustrate six other words that go into the

For _at, _en, _in and _og you will find a fill in sheet. The children are given a picture that goes with the
word family. They then have a word box with the ending filled in, and they have to provide the
beginning sound. They then have to write the whole word on the line.

The _ack family sheet is Jack and the Beanstalk. The children need to cut out pictures and match them
to the words on the beanstalk.

For _eep they have a word box filled with _eep words. Below they have a set of jeeps to write the

The _ell family sheet is a well. In the top of the well is a word bank. On the bricks at the bottom you will find pictures from the _ell family. The children need to write the word next to the correct picture.

For the _ool family, the children need to cut out the pictures to put into the correct tool box.

Below you will find a few sample pages that are available in the free sample kit.  The whole kit which is 30 pages is on sale for $7.


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