One routine I had was Question of the Day. I utlized a pocket chart for mine, but that was in the days before the really nice projectors, smartboards and all that new fangled technology. After the children put away their stuff, they would read and answer the question of the day. This was a simple two choice question such as Are you wearing blue jeans?, Did you have a good weekend? Would you rather eat plain or peanut M&M's.
Once the group gathered together for meeting time we would re-read the question as a group, and go over the answers. This was a quick reading and math activity that engaged the learner, let them learn a bit about each other and start out day off learning.
I have created a kit for Teachers Pay Teachers, that has typed up 182 generic questions, I'm going to create a holiday/seasonal kit seprately. These can be printed out and done on a bulletin board, shown on your projector or just read aloud and done whole group. This would be a great jump start to any preK, kindergarten or first grade classroom day.
The whole kit of 184 pages (182 questions, cover and blank template) is $7. Check it out on my Teachers Pay Teachers Page.
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