Well, week one is well under the way.  It is so weird getting back into the swing of teaching, but I guess it's a lot like riding a bike, once you remember you can you just do.  Things have changed so much in the 7 years that I took off from teaching.  Between learning the new scope and sequence, understanding the Florida State Standards (aka Common Core), to learning to write essential questions, learning goals and scales.

The things that don't change are the real reason people go into teaching.  I love seeing their faces when they realize you care and will help.  I love watching those Ah Ha moments of life, and teaching in primary grades you have those so often.  Seeing children truly care about each other and even the times when you are banging your head against the wall because a child just doesn't get it.

I love the fact the every day brings new challenges, new joys and a new level of learning.  I find that I have changed as a teacher.  I guess it is a combination of finding a renewed joy for the profession, being a mother and just being more experienced in life.  I find myself searching out the positives and trying to focus less on the negatives.  I find myself rejoicing over the small happy moments and not sweating the rough patches.

I realize that children have changed.  Expectations have changed.  I have changed.  But the thing to remember is the true expected outcome should never change... and that is children who grow up loving to learn.  That is the gift I hope to give each child.


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