schedule changes

Well my little guy is growing up! He finally has cut back to just one nap (with a little help). For a long time he was still looking for a short rest time around 9am (I think he would still go for that some days). It was a nice treat for me because I would put him in his room and he would rest/ play quietly / read and I got to take my shower. The challenge was that he would then only take a 1 hour nap in the early afternoon and then try to be up for the rest of the night. Yeah well that wasn't a good thing. You don't go from 2 naps totally 4-5 hours to less than 2 hours between your rest and nap time.

So the other day I decided to keep him up through his morning rest time (so long morning showers!) and put him down around 11:15 and then leave him there for at least 2 hrs if not more. Now if he had got totally upset I would have let him out of his room. Well the first day he stayed there for almost 2.5 hours and was soooo much better that night.

The next day... he slept for over 2 hours and I left him for another hour. Since then he has been napping for close to 3 hours a day.

He is waking a lot happier and isn't so tired when Richard gets home from work. He also is able to last until 7pm again without almost falling asleep in the living room. Which is nice because both Richard and Blake enjoy their time together at night.

The other plus is Blake will have had about a month of this schedule before the baby is born so I can then work around the schedule once the baby is on his own schedule. My goal is to have alone time with each boy and maybe, just maybe 30 min to myself??


  1. hope it all works out for u!! trying to get my lil guy into some of a schedule too. easier said then done!

  2. Oh I hated when my daughter went to one nap instead of two. It was really nice to have that morning time. But now she is three and she doesn't really need any nap but I keep forcing it because 1. I'm not ready to give up that time and 2. She will still have to take a nap at daycare when I go back to work in the fall.

  3. That's great that you've figured out a better napping schedule for Blake. :) Sounds like it's working out well!

  4. goodluck with getting the new baby on a good schedule!

  5. I was definately bummed when Madison stopped taking two naps a day. She was around 1 1/2 also so I guess that is the age when it happens!

  6. That is sooo nice you have worked out a schedule to give your kids special alone time.. I think that is important.. But even more important that you scheduled alone time for you... What are great Mommy you are!!

  7. Glad Blake's transition to 1 nap is going smoothly.You are so good with keeping him on a schedule. Teaching sure makes me appreciate routine. Unfortunately,I am not a napper and I never was. I started refusing to nap around 1 and was in bed VERY early. Eliza doesn't even sleep 3 hrs a day in naps. IT seems Eliza takes after mommy.

  8. I can't even get my little one to nap 3 hrs during the day, maybe 2 if I'm real lucky. At least he's great at night now. Seems like all is going smoothly, hope things continue to go well and you get a little more time for yourself.

  9. I think that's a great schedule. He must have a late (or early) lunch, though? I will be transitioning Kaelin this summer to one nap, probably.

  10. Oh I am so happy for you! I personally was so happy when the morning nap went away. It meant morning outings and a solid block of me time in the afternoon.


    And once Kamden came along I was usually able to have some time with each of them plus some time to myself in the afternoon but sometimes it was more work than it was worth. I had to learn the hard way to be flexible on that!


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