doing it for me!

If I've learned one thing as a Mommy to 2... it's that I have to do things for myself. (no I don't mean things like cleaning and things like that, that I have to do myself... things I can do for myself).

for example:

--Last weekend I cut 5 inches off my hair. It went from about 1/2 way down my back to just at my shoulders. Big change since Richard's never seen my hair in any style by long. Takes less time to wash and condition, still is a wash and go hair style, but just feels different and oh a bit lighter too

--Dress every day. I've never missed a shower... I know some mom's complain that they don't get a shower every day... me I do... it just is at 11:30 many days, but still. In the mornings I get up and throw on "crap clothes"... something I can hang out in and go for a walk in. But, after my shower I try to dress in my regular clothes. Richard doesn't care, the kids don't care, but I feel I need to do it for myself. Plus... if I'm dressing in my regular clothes it is motivation to lose the last bit of weight to fit in the pants I wore before I was pregnant

--Work out. I take the boys for a walk every day and we try to get out after dinner, but we usually have late afternoon rain storms here in Orlando so mother nature doesn't allow the walks during the summer months. I've also started doing sit-ups again every other night. I have to tone my abs back up... 2 kids, 2 c-sections... yeah they need a lot of work! Now if I could just find time to get back to working out on the bowflex I'd be set! (I won't even try to ask for time to go rollerblading just yet)

--Splurge. I am not a big fan of dieting. I try to eat right, but I do eat sweets.... I can't seem to kick the chocolate habit after my pregnancy. Many nights Richard and I have a treat after the Blake goes to bed. I know that when I'm not nursing I'm going to have to kick that habit, but for now I'll enjoy it!

I want to fit back into my size 8 pants. I want to do it not because I think it's the size I'm expected to be (hell that would probably be a 6 if not a 4, but I'm not going to get there anytime soon). Right now I feel confident in the size I am for just having a child 7 weeks ago, but I gauge my size/weight on my clothes and how the fit. I will know that I'm looking more me when I fit into the clothes that I'm used to wearing. And hey if I can do it without going on a diet, just by working out and nursing Colby then I say... lets get cracking!


  1. I should make it a point to shower every day- but I hate showering! However, it alwasy makes me feel better. Good for you for doing sit ups. I keep telling myself I will do them...and never do!

  2. I need to get ito a good exercise routine. If it helps any- I lost a lot of weight by nursing, eating right, and a bit of exercise. Nothing more than what you are doing - you are probably doing more then I did. Good for you!

  3. goooood for you!

    A happy mommy makes for happy kids... so do whatever it takes to make them kiddos happy -- take care of you!

  4. I think it's great that you know you should do things for yourself.. It'll make you happy and feel good about yourself!! Besides, you deserve it!

  5. Good for you. Everyone needs SOEMTHING if not for anyone else for their sanity!

  6. That's awesome! I still have trouble getting in a shower some least this past week when my hubby's been gone! Tate also doesn't have a morning nap, so that cuts out any time in the morning that I can shower. :) Oh USUALLY works out sometime during the day!

  7. You go, girl!

    I had two requirements for myself after I had Esme - showering and putting eye makeup on every day. I heard so many stories about how hard it would be, but I managed and am glad I did. Now if only that baby weight would have gone off easily . . .

  8. You have the right attitude Lori and in no time you will be feeling back to normal!


  9. Sounds like you have a routine down and good for you with exercising each day...sometimes..e.ven early, it's just too humid for me to get outside and walk!

  10. I am completely an advocate for doing things for yourself, whatever they may be. I wish I could take a walk every morning but we don't live on a road that is good for that. I would need to drive somewhere and that just seems like to much of a hastle.

  11. Good for you! I'm going to chop my hair soon. I read once that you should always tie your your shoes in the morning and make sure your sink is shiny before you go to bed. (I think this is from the Fly Lady if you've heard of her). I try to at least do this- even if I didn't get a shower in! And sometimes I do get a shower, but I don't get to shampoo my hair (which should be easier once it's short)


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