blog thoughts

I have been thinking about my blog a lot today. I am going to try very hard to limit my time on my computer for a bit. Blake has an issue with my doing anything with the computer when he is awake unless it is letting him play with his games. I feel that the best thing for both my little guys is for me to focus my attention on them even if they are playing quietly or watching tv. I know I'd be better off cleaning and doing things around the house during those times.

No, I'm not giving up my blog. I'm not crazy! I'm not giving up my computer time all together I'm just going to limit it for a bit and see if that helps my little guy deal with some of his attention seeking issues.

So, back to talking about what my thoughts are for my blog. When I started I began writing about how I parent based on the way I taught kindergarten, and yes I'll get back into writing a few of these posts from time to time. I them sort of morphed into realizing that it was a great opportunity to journal our daily occurrences. I began writing what was on my mind, and what was going on in my head.... I was writing for myself. Then I began enjoying gaining readers and started joining up on blog carnivals trying to get more and more readers. But, I look at how some of this effected me and I realize that I need to get back to writing what I want when I want. I need to get back to blogging for me.

So for now, I'm going to continue to do Wordless Wednesday and then my set posts (Friday videos, weekend random thoughts, and Scrapbook / slide show Sunday). I am not going to set up random weekend thoughts as a blog carnival because I don't want to set it up and not be able to visit everyone who participates.

I will still read the blogs I follow, but I'm going to go through the list and make sure I'm following the people who I "get something from". If you don't see as many replies from me, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm not reading... it just means I'm limiting my time.

I hope you all understand and enjoy the changes in my blog. If there is something that I'm eliminating that you really enjoyed reading let me know and I'll consider adding it back at some point.



  1. I totally agree family comes first!!! There is always time to blog and do other stuff when the kiddos are asleep right!

  2. I'm glad you'll still be posting the occasional video. I really enjoy them. I sometimes set a specific time just because computer time just adds up.

  3. I find it difficult to find "daytime" to read blogs somedays and then I feel bad because I get behind. I've had to realize that I'll get to it when I get to it and that I have to take care of my family first.

    We completely understand what you're going through..and just know that we'll be here no matter what changes you make! After all I don't read because of a specific thing that you put on your blog..I just enjoy keeping up with you and your family! I love that Colby and Allie are so close in age and I like to see the progress he's making along with her :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. I totally know how you feel, so I understand. Glad you are not leaving us. I understand the cutbacks though...I am trying to do the same.

  5. Family always comes first, and I am glad you are doing what is best for your family.

    I hope this helps Blake.

  6. I totally understand.. and I think I will be doing the same.. I need to stop posting "Oh I'm still sick, I'm sorry" posts and just do what I need to do...


  7. I have had to do the same thing around here too. Good for you, it is so hard to balance everything. Even though I get so much enjoyment from this, sometimes,I just can't get wrapped up in it.

  8. of course we understand! Family has to come first. Blogging is great- but it can become way too time consuming and then it defeats the point of it all! It is your blog and do what you want with it. I look forward to whatever it is you share with us when you have time. I hope home settles down for you too- sorry I haven't been by more lately. We have been very sick at my house.

  9. I absolutely understand. I too need to limit my computer time and feel empowered by your trying to do so! I try not to get one when Ryan is awake, only when he's asleep, but it's hard!! Hang in there and I hope Blake starts to do better with his sleep. I too, love how Ryan and Colby are close in age so I can watch them both grow up together. God Bless!

  10. You know, for my 100th post I thought about trying to get more readers to my blog. Then when I sat down and thought about it I realized what I have heard so many other say. "It starts to take over your life." You are not the first person to make this good choice. I decided not to seek readers for that very reason as well. Family needs to come first and a blog is a journal of all things I want to remember. You're a good mommy and a good human being. Enjoy your time however you choose to use it!

  11. I think everyone agrees and understands about the time it can take up. N loves to hit the keys on the computer, so I def can't do anything while he is awake. And if my Hubby is home at night, I try to limit my time too. It all comes and goes with me.

  12. Way to go're right...your family has to come first! For that reason alone, I do what you're planning to do...basically stay off the computer when the kids area awake. That's my rule of thumb here and it seems to work well. :)

  13. Lori, I totally understand how you are feeling, both of my kids do the same thing if I am on the computer either editting pictures or reading up or blogging myself when they are awake.

    I have done a similar thing lately, I have been waiting to check my dashboard until after they have gone to bed and I have the house picked up. It does mean that I fall a little behind in my reading, but I do get to it and that's what really matters. Glad to hear that you are going to keep doing your set posts, I really love seeing your pix and videos as well as hearing about your weekend thoughts *grin*!

  14. I have felt the same way. I have scaled back on the # of blogs I read and how often I post. I started the blog as an outlet and I am trying not to stray to much from this goal.

  15. Totally understand! I've been working through my guilt issues on not keeping up with everyone's blogs - but my guilt on keeping up with my child is a little more!


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