Friday the boys and I went to grocery store. And played outside for a while. It's nice that Richard can get home in time to have dinner with the boys on Friday's. I made a new dish, cheddar garlic chicken, I'm going to review it tomorrow.
Friday night Blake woke up to go the bathroom. Colby woke up twice to go the bathroom. ANDDD a cat woke us up meowing or whatever outside. That was a loud cat. How annoying to not get a full night sleep.
Saturday we had basketball in the morning. After that we headed to Panera for lunch. The boys love when they get to go out to eat for a treat. When we got home we re-organized the garage. Richard purchased new shelving for the back wall of the garage. We had to move out the old shelves and then he installed the new ones. I managed to do laundry, watch the boys ride their bikes, all those other weekend things. Richard's sister came over for dinner. The boys love visiting with her.
Saturday night Colby had a tough night. He woke up around 10:30pm in a major coughing fit. We gave him a breathing treatment at that time. He settled down shortly after that. We thought it was the end, but NOPE. He was hacking major around 12:30am to the point where I was concerned about his breathing. So, back across the house I went. I tossed him in the shower. He couldn't have another breathing treatment until 1:30am so we just worked on settling him down, clearing his head and crossing our fingers. He did fall back to sleep after that and then slept until almost 9am.
Sunday the boys had a lazy stay in their jammies day. Richard had plans with a friend in the morning. After lunch all four of us went to the Y. After the Y we went back into the garage to finish organizing and cleaning. We finally put the last of the Christmas stuff in the attic. Does anyone else always find one or two things after you put away the bulk of the Christmas stuff? When we finished that up, we made dinner and got ready for bedtime. The boys crashed guess it was the late bike riding they did while we worked in the garage. We taped the Super Bowl for two reasons, one Richard and I watched it after the boys were asleep and two Blake really wanted to watch it. We are going to let him watch it this weekend if he has a good week at school.
Guess what... I was up with Colby again Sunday night. He was coughing on and off a bit around 10pm, but he couldn't have another breathing treatment yet so we just re-adjusted him on his pillows and left him alone. Yeah well, 1:30am rolled around and he was hacking away again. I turned off the monitor and took my pillows to the couch. I gave Colby a breathing treatment, but it took him until almost 3am to go back to sleep. He was congested and couldn't stop coughing.
If you read this whole thing, you now know I haven't had a full night sleep all weekend. Colby doesn't seem to be fairing too bad, but I'm dragging. I did go do an intense cardio workout at the Y which seemed to help me function a bit better.
Menu for the week:
Friday--cheddar garlic chicken, fries and onion rings
Saturday--grilled meatball pizza and pasta
hummus chicken wraps
fend for yourself
Hope you had a great weekend.
Sorry to hear about your lack of sleep Lori! That is always rough. I hope Colby is feeling (and sleeping) better this week!
ReplyDeleteSometimes those workouts at the gym do get you going again or at least relieve some of the stress. I hope Colby is feeling better. Since you had a busy weekend, a lazy Sunday in jammies was definitely needed. I actually love lazy Sundays. Unless you have something to do, Sundays should be the official lazy day of the week. Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteHope Colby is feeling better. I hate those nights when the coughing persists and its not time for more drugs. Poor thing.
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