Blake and Colby (same look??)

I've been asked if Colby looks like Blake did at the same age.... in my opinion... yes and no. Both boys have my nose and facial structure... they both have my almond eyes, but Blake's aren't deep set like mine are and Colby's are. Blake has an oval face and Colby has a round face. Their coloring seems to be different to me also. We will see....

ok sadly this was harder than I expected, but Blake was a Nov baby sooo he was wrapped up a lot more, and well... I wasn't into taking pics as much as I am now



  1. I'm first!!!!
    I think they are similar yet very different!But oh so cute!

  2. Either way- they are both adorable.

  3. Well, you definitely tell they are brothers...but i agree that they look a little different too - their color is definitely different like you said!!

  4. You could tell they are brothers. Eliza has the same outfit that Blake has on the picture. They are both adorable.

  5. Hard to say. They certainly are both adorable!

  6. they are both so cute... I think they look similar!!

  7. They both look like you definitely and like eachother yet not identical. It's fun to compare though, I do it with my boys all the time too.


  8. What did you ask . . . ? I just can't stop staring. Baby addict . . . major baby addict . . .


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