end of the month

Hard to believe another month is done and over with... Even harder to believe that Colby will be 1 month on Friday!

This month has been a busy month for me (as you could guess), but there are a lot of memories already set in stone from Colby's first month... who will forget Blake covering himself and Colby's room in Vaseline?? Things are getting a bit smoother in our house, trust me I will be a lot happier when Colby decides on a schedule, but I'll take smoother for now.

Blake is becoming a great big brother. He is so helpful and loving I couldn't ask for a better first child! I can't wait to watch the two of them grow up together.

Richard is my rock! When times are tough I know he will come home and make my life easier. I couldn't ask for a better husband.

Colby is adjusting to life and sleeping longer at night... now if he would just learn to settle down after his middle of the night feedings I'd be a lot happier.

As for my blog, yeah well it seems to be going through a change right now. Maybe it's the teacher in me who takes the summers off? Maybe it's the fact that I have 2 to deal with and I haven't had any major teacher turned mommy moments with Blake lately? Maybe it's because I don't want my whole blog about Blake when I have Colby to consider too? Maybe it's because I need to vent about the little things? Who knows... we will see where it goes from here. I do promise to post my "Teacher turned Mommy" moments as I see fit, but will continue to post about other things too.

I plan on changing my topper and color scheme sometime this month. Any suggestions? I've done just blue, blue and green, spring color mix and now red, white and blue... hmm maybe no blue next time?? I'll have to give it some thought on what color and pattern(s) I want to use for the next few months.

Well... I hope everyone enjoyed their June... now onto July!


  1. Goodness knows that you need any downtime moments to rest and relax! And, I have to say, it is now getting easier and easier to blog about J (not just mommy's emotional ramblings)--he is developing more of a personality each and every day.

    As for colors . . . you could try a vintage look, black and white? Blue and gray?

  2. I wish I could help on your color scheme! I am trying to figure my own out.
    And glad to hear the kids are doing well. I knew you'd gain control!!!
    And where did June go!!!

  3. Oh it does get much easier once everyone gets into a routine!! We are finally pretty much on a good one! And, isn't that THE sweetest to watch the 2 little ones interact with each other??!! My baby girl has been laughing at her funny big brother and he just becomes amazed that he makes her laugh - it brings tears to my eyes - just the sweetest!!!

  4. I know...I can hardly believe that Emily is OVER a month old already! Yikes! And it looks like we've both struck gold with our first kids who are SUCH good big brothers! :)

  5. I know...I can hardly believe that Emily is OVER a month old already! Yikes! And it looks like we've both struck gold with our first kids who are SUCH good big brothers! :)

  6. i can hardly believe that June is over and July is here... It went so fast, right?

  7. I can't believe he's almost a month old already!! We're going to have two year olds in no time!

  8. Just came by for a visit from Laski's site. Cute blog

  9. I'm impressed that you're even upright, much less blogging! Way to go mama!

  10. That first month is always a doozie! You're doing great to just be getting the computer open at all during the day!

    BTW it's a woman's perogative to changer her blog whenever she wants. I'll still check in Teacher Turned Mommy or not! Enjoy recreating. I'll stop by your poll.


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