the importance of schedules

wow look... a real teacher turned mommy post! (not sure when I posted one of these last!)

As a teacher I recognized the importance of routines and schedules. Children need to know what is happening and what is going to happen next. They thrive off of routines and the knowledge that they know what is going on. I always had a flexible schedule in my classroom (I literally wrote it on the blackboard everyday and told them I wrote it with chalk so we could change it as needed). Have a flexible schedule helps children deal with change and they know that after the change things will get back to normal.

As a mommy I have a routine for our day which I've tweaked as Blake has grown and changed. But, let me tell you it has helped tremendously with the addition of Colby and even more so when I was in the hospital. I typed up "A day in the life of Blake" and left it so that anyone who was watching him could see what he typically would be doing when. Many of the times are flexible and the activities are pretty open, but he knows what is happening and when.

I have kept Blake's breakfast, lunch, nap and bedtime routines solid even with the addition of Colby. We have tweaked little things like tv time and outside times because of the fact that I'm nursing Colby. But, for the most part Blake's life is constant.

Now, will things continue to change... absolutely! But, when changes are made subtly and kept consistent they will then become the new routine.


  1. I typed up a schedule for my baby a few months ago for my own sanity - I was going crazy trying to figure out what to do next to keep her entertained and kept forgetting important things like water and snacks and lunch (but never naps - no way I could forget those!).

    I've gotten some criticism for my "overly ambitious" plan (art time, music time, computer time, etc.) - but the important thing is that it is flexible; I don't stress if we miss things or she isn't engaged in something so we move quickly on to something else.

  2. I love a routine. It is what keeps me going- even as an adult!

  3. I totally agree!!! I think this makes all the difference in the world. When we were vacationing in TX, all the family was annoyed with how we planned our days around what was best for Wyatt. Sure it was not as fun being home early enough to do bath and bedtime, but thats the life of a responsible parent...doing whats best for you child, not whats best for you. And even though we get off schedule, and switch things up occasionally, he's a much happier camper knowing what to expect! KUDOS to you!

  4. You should post what this schedule looks like. I'd love to figure out more of a routine for my little guy, although I'm also not too rigid where if he's not into something I'd stress.

  5. I am a very schedule oriented person myself...

  6. You are so right about the importance of schedule. I am hoping that once summer comes Eliza and I will finally gte on a good schedule. Glad to hear things have been going well with Blake and Colby.

  7. Couldn't agree more...I'm exactly the same way.

  8. Schedules are an absolute must! It took me awhile to develop one with Madison but when we things come up to change it we need several days to get back to normal. I'm so lucky to have my mom be so hands on. She is the only other person that knows Madison as well as I do and is a strict about sticking to her schedule (Justin is a great dad but doesn't get the schedule thing). Luckily she will be spending most of the time with her when the new baby is born!

  9. you're right! those things are important and in the end makes your life MUCH easier!

  10. Routines are very important- especially when it seems like other things are changing all around you! You did mention a very step: flexibility!

  11. I agree! Routine is so important!


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