Scrapbook pages for MckMama

I wrote this poem (you should be able to click on it to make it bigger) for MckMama (from my charming kids) and scrapped it for her. But, I thought I'd share it with you too. If you haven't visited her site she is 25 weeks pregnant and has 3 other children. MckMama has been in the hospital for 16 days fighting a good fight for MckMuffin her little one growing inside. People from all over the world are praying for this miracle child to continue to live and survive so he can meet the family who is working so hard to meet him some day very soon (just hopefully not too soon!)

This page I made for her blog too. People from all over are posting Stellan (MckMuffin's name) sightings. She is planning on printing them out to hang in his room. Create your own Stellan siting and e-mail it to her (her e-mail addy is on her blog)

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  1. Thank you so much for BOTH of these!!!!!

  2. That poem is so sweet - very beautiful work!

  3. Beautiful Lori!!! Gorgeous

  4. Wow. What a wonderful thing you have done. I'll hop over and send along my thoughts. What strength we can share is so overwhelming.


I love to read the comments on my pages. Please share your thoughts and stories here!