
Just as I suspected now that Colby is here, Blake is starting to talk more. And, just as I suspected he is speaking in phrases not just words. I knew my guy had it in him, but why talk if I don't have to?

That is the good part, the hard part is 45% of the time I am still guessing at what he is saying. Blake is tongue tied, which interferes with his ability to speak clearly. Plus for some reason he talks with his mouth pretty much closed, which is strange to me!

I love hearing him mumble thank you and you're welcome, or I did it, or here it is. But, you really have to pay attention to hear what he is saying. And, I know that if I have a hard time others will have an even harder time. Richard is getting better at hearing/understanding some of Blake's words and phrases, but I know that people who do not spend a lot of time with him will have no clue what he is saying.

The challenge with this... Blake gets upset and frustrated when you don't understand him. He is good about trying to show you what he wants, and will keep saying things over and over, but trust me he is one frustrated little boy at times.

I plan on contacting the speech pathologist from my old school to see what he suggests. At what point should I insist he be tested for speech? At what point do I start to worry? At what point should he out grow some of these issues?

I just want my little guy to be able to communicate so he isn't so upset. I don't want him going around feeling like no one understands him. I just want to be able to help
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  1. A friend of mine was worried about her son because he basically just pointed at stuff until he turned 3 she was really worried about him and was about to take him to speech therapy but then he just started talking. More and more everyday. He had so many older brothers and sisters that always talked for him so he never really had to. Now hes doing great. So I wouldn't worry I am sure he will just improve everyday and soon be talking up a storm. Its so sad though when they have to repeat themselves and you just can't seem to understand what they want to say.

  2. I hear the teacher in you! I would do whatever is going to put your mind at ease. I would speak to that guy from your old school and get his opinion. Keep us posted.

  3. I'm a speech therapist and happened to come across your blog ( when visiting 5 Minutes for Mom). I think it'd be wise to contact your speech path at your school and have him tested for speech, esp. since he is tongue tied...the earlier the better! Love the blog!

  4. I'm a speech therapist and happened to come across your blog ( when visiting 5 Minutes for Mom). I think it'd be wise to contact your speech path at your school and have him tested for speech, esp. since he is tongue tied...the earlier the better! Love the blog!

  5. I feel the same way about Lillian and she is still not making the "b" sound at all. At her 18 month appt, doc said she have her evaluated at 24 months to see if she needs therapy. While I feel like she's made a lot of progress since then (she was only saying four words at that time - but now she has phrases and repeats me all the time), she is "tongue tied" too. I think there is nothing wrong with early intervention. Unfortanatley, I've never been around small child before having her, so I don't know the difference between normal toddler talk and when something may be wrong. It does validate my feelings about seeking help reading that Blake has similar issues and you may be concerned, too.

  6. My friend (also a teacher) just had her daughter privately tested and she was just turning three...they were concerned with hearing loss from past ear infections/tubes, etc...but I think you can get the county to do the testing...I agree with Danielle, do whatever puts your mind at ease...BTW...friend's daughter is hearing loss!

  7. What do you mean by tongue tied? My friend's little boy's tongue was connected underneath all the way to the tip of his tongue. He had a minor procedure done to snip it to give his tongue more mobility. Is that something that would help?

    I am a teacher and I truly believe that the earlier someone receives help the shorter amount of time they need it. I don't think it would be a bad idea to get him checked. My nephew was understandable by family but not others. It turned out that he just needed mouth exercises with a popsicle stick to correct the problem. Maybe if you get simple fixes now it will prevent bigger problems later.

  8. I know how you feel! Riley turned 16 months yesterday and only is saying one more word then when I posted about the whole speech things a month ago. I still don't know what is best.

  9. it doesn't hurt to get an opinion... your his mommy and you have to do what's best for you and for him - and whatever will put you at ease!

  10. I have seen variations on this same type of issue in tons of other bloggers' posts. I bet you might find some guidance if you browse through some of the other blogs out there ... it seems like lots of people are worried about kids who are hard to understand/not talking/talking late/etc.

    good luck!

  11. Tate is sounding a little like Blake...he just started talking in phrases too, but he is difficult to understand often too...I find that he is starting to be able to pronounce better and better with time maybe it will get better for Blake yet too!

  12. It sounds like he's doing really well! The frustation is a problem, but hopefully that will only motivate him to try harder.

    I think the only reason I would go for therapy is so you could feel better knowing you're doing everything on your part to help him succeed and be less frustrated.

  13. You're doing the best in getting an opinion from an expert - it'll put your mind at rest and you'll then know how to tackle it should there be a problem.

  14. we still don't talk much here. someday though! we have late boy talkers in my family so im not that worried...yet! and i have also been told avery was tongue tied..hence why he couldn't nurse. so we shall see!

    btw, i have been reading your blog, just haven't had the energy or thought processing capabilities to respond! lol


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