blog options available

(even if you know how to use the scheduler... keep reading there is a new gadget talked about at the bottom of the post)

Ok I decided to post about this since more people in my poll said they didn't know what is than those who use it.

When typing a new post, if you look at the lower left hand corner of the box (in compose format) you will find post options. Click on this! This will open up an expanded list of post options. You can choose to allow or not allow comments (what kind of post do you write that you don't want comments??), allow or not allow back links anddddd change the time and date you post things.

This means you can pre- and back date your blog entries. I have backdated things that I've used as links on my sidebar (such as blog roll, awards etc...). I predate a lot of my weekend posts. This way I can work on them during the week and they are posted on Sat or Sun. I also often predate my videos so I don't have to upload them all at once.

If you need to edit them, just click on edit posts and there is a lot of all of your posts. You can edit and delete posts from this list anytime.

So now you know... not everyone is sitting at their computer and posting when you think they are... hmmm maybe I shouldn't have shared that secret??


Have you seen the new gadget? Followers... you can put a list of blogs you follow on your profile page anddd a list of those who follow you on your page. I added all the people from my google reader so if you are on my list you now have at least one follower. I stumbled across it by clicking on the B on the top tool bar and it opened up to let me add the blogs I follow. Then I added the followers gadget to my page... sadly I have no followers... oh well!

Just wanted to let you know I founds something new!!


  1. Thanks for the info! I didn't know about this!

  2. I also love the Follower gadget but it is still listed as experimental so I can't add it yet!

  3. i actually did know about this.. And I use it all of the time for my weekend posts as well.. iut's a lifesaver!!! Hope you have a GREAT weekend..

    Happy Friday

    PS - I start school on Monday.. And good 1st day activites you could recommend...? I have my day planned but could use extra goodies...

  4. cool...I'll have to check that out!!

  5. Followers . . . What a cool feature. I desperately need to redo my blogroll and reader.

  6. I saw the Follower in a few places, but I didnt know the details of it.

    I love that you are a kindergarten teacher. My baby just started 1st grade and I miss kindergarten :( I volunteered in her class twice a week last year and I am back with her teacher from last year again this year. I loved being with the kindergartners so much.


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