Just like Daddy

My sons loveeee their father. Richard has been working crazy busy hours lately, he's actually working 7 days a week until his big push is done in mid-May... yes mid-May. That means that the boys suck up and and all time they have with him doing whatever they can do. Richard came home early enough to mow the lawn yesterday... guess the boys decided to help.




  1. Too cute. I love the double mowing. I have pictures of Stunt Man & Agent like that. I love them.

  2. That is adorable! My boys always want to get in there and mow too but the toy one won't do anymore. Crazy boys!

  3. Those are great shots of the boys with their Dad! Madelynn would love to help her Daddy mow the lawn also. Right now, she just helps him pick up all her play equipment so he can mow the backyard. I guess I need to buy one of those play lawn mowers.

  4. That is so cute Lori! Gotta love the bubble mower, even though ours never really blew bubbles, it's still a big hit!

  5. I love those! I need to get Ryan a mower!


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