Doesn't quite fit... yet


Many days Blake likes to go into our bedroom and come out dressed in Richard's clothes. He always thinks it's funny to put on Daddy's big clothes. Most days it is just Daddy's shirts which go to the floor on him (it's even funnier to see them on Colby), some days it's a shirt and shoes (I think it will be a bit before he fills those out), but that day he had on the whole outfit.

This morning while Richard was getting dressed for work, Blake decided to put on Richard's shorts. He looked at me and said "I'm too little, but Daddy is just right"

It's hard to look at him in those huge clothes and realize that one day he will be wearing clothes that big. I love watching my boys grow up. I get excited when I see them learn and do new things, but it is hard to imagine them at teenagers never mind adults.



  1. I have a friend who takes a picture of her son every year on his birthday in one of his daddy's white dress shirts and ties. What a keepsake that will turn out to be!:)
    So sweet
    Enjoy the night

  2. Awww! It's crazy. Lillian loves to put on my stuff and it's hard to imagine that she'll actually fit it one day. @Cindy - I've seen that idea and I love it! I've also seen for the first year the baby will wear the same 12 month onsie and have monthly pics taken. Very adorable!

  3. I hear is hard to see each year pass by. They grow up so fast. I have one in double digits and it just seems unreal. Cute picture.

  4. That is so cute! Our boys love to dress in their daddy's clothes too! I wish they could just stay little forever....

  5. That is one for his wedding. Remember when you couldn't wait to be a man, son? Now you are.

    I just got chills. I love watching my boys grow to, it's what they are supposed to do and it makes me glad.

  6. Too cute!! I love it when my kiddos come down in our clothes... once they came down in my hubby's jeans... hysterical!! (this is my second attempt to comment ... evil blogger!) ;)

  7. So cute that he wants to be like daddy!


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