Sometimes we say things to children expecting them to know what we mean. We often forget that a lot of things in our language have many different meanings depending on the context of the situation. I have never spoken "down" to my sons. I talk to them pretty much the same way I would to any other person. This is the best way to expand a child's spoken vocabulary hence increasing their reading vocabulary. Children will often figure out what you mean by using the context of the statement. But, there are times that we have to step back and explain what we are saying. As in the story above. Blake knows that the truck isn't in motion at the time. So, even though he has seen moving vans in our neighborhood before he did not make the connection to the truck that was just parked on the side of the road. It took a minute of me explaining that it is a truck used to move people's furniture when they change houses for him to comprehend the context of a moving truck.
Often times people feel they need to simplify what they are saying in order for children to understand what is being said. When people do this on a regular basis children do not fully develop a true language pattern of speech. As adults you typically do not speak in simple sentences to your peers. If you only speak to children in simple sentences and with easily understandable words, yes your child will understand you, but are you helping to expand their knowledge?
When I give my sons directions, I use simple statements and words that I know they understand. I do this for the fact that I want them to remember what I told them to do. It also allows me to give them more than one direction at a time. But, when having a conversation with them I do not. I want them to develop a great conversation vocabulary and be able to hold their own no matter who they speak to and with.
Hope you have a great conversation with your children today. You never know what they want to share with you. Remember to check to make sure they understand all those double meaning and try to enrich their speech every day. (o:

This is such a good point, & I try to explain this to other moms of little ones. I have had conversations w my kids since they were tiny, before they could do much but coo back to me. It's such a simple task, but people don't realize what a difference it makes. Sadly, I have 8th graders in my class who still don't have parents who talk to them like they should.
ReplyDeleteCute "Blake" Funny, I never talk down to Gino either which is why people always mistake him for much older (besides his gigantic size!) His latest big word is annunciate because he has started a lisp just a bit because of the two missing teeth! That and he tries to talk to fast but what kid doesn't at 4-1/2 :)
ReplyDeleteLove Blake's comment! I love how kids are so literal at that's so innocent. I talk to my kids like an adult too.
ReplyDeleteI too have always talked to my girls in a "normal" manner and I can see the positive results. Lyndsy has a huge vocabulary and fantastic sentence structure, etc. We often talk about meanings of words and phrases. This is so important. thanks for the reminder.