project 365 (175-181/2011)

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Blake had another t-ball game on Saturday. He seems to be working on finding his groove in this sport. He got to play first base for one inning. This meant the ball was thrown to him after each batter hit, but at it also meant he couldn't run after the ball after it was hit. I'm not sure what he thought about it.

The boys have been on a train kick, ok well Colby is always on a train kick, but Blake is joining in now. They have been making huge train tracks in the playroom. I love the fact that they work together to play with them, even if it means I have to create new tracks all the time.

We went to Magic Kingdom to meet up with a friend who I meet on line while I was pregnant with Blake. Her youngest daughter is about a week younger than Blake. It was neat to meet her in person and my two boys and her two girls got along really well.

Colby was watching Thomas on tv and decided to set up Thomas with a bunch of cars to the tv stand.

Blake was playing with the LeapPad on the coach and Colby decided to go in and have a snack at the desk. I loved this interaction I caught when I walked into the room.

Blake had just finished lunch, yes he wore his sunglasses and lanyard at the table. He had the glasses on the top of his head and I wanted to get a picture of that, but by the time I got my camera he had moved them. Yes that expression is "awww Mommy, not another picture"

This is what my life looks like some days. The boys were camped out on the couches watching Thomas (do you notice a theme this week?)

Can you believe that the next set of pictures we post will be the second half of the year? Yes you read that right the next picture will be 182 and 182.5 is half of 365. Hard to believe!



  1. Great photos. Your boys are sooo adorable! It was a week full of them. Thanks for linking up. Have a great weekend.

  2. Hi!
    Great snapshots! Love the one of Thomas at the t.v. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  3. Looks like a great week! Your boys are adorable! I also have a train lover in the house. Train tracks strewn everywhere some days. :)

  4. Great pics. I remember when my two little boys made my living room look like that. I miss those days, enjoy them while they are little.

  5. i especially love seeing little guys in the baseball precious!

  6. Your boys are so stinkin cute! What's their age difference? I really like your train shot. My living room looks like that too.

  7. Your boys do love those trains and trucks. They have loved those best all their years. Love the black and white with blue. Great shots this week.

  8. I love the one of the boys watching television. Your boys are so precious.

  9. So true, you have a perfect shot and it doesn't wait long enough to turn camera on! However, you got a good pic anyway.

  10. it has been a few years since we have had thomas tracks out... even our cats used to play with them... we have the funniest video clip of them! ;) anyway.... such a cute stage in life... one day you will look back and the floor will be full of lego and the trains will be gone! =) trust me ... the tracks are easier on the feet and the clean up is easier! ha ha ha =)

  11. I feel like my life looks like your last picture every day! Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. Hi. You have some cute boys (and my son is Blake as well :) ) You took some wonderful shots of them and all their daily lives. And dont worry your living room looks just like mine, but you are braver then me to show it :) Have a good week!!


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