We found out that he will be in the same classroom he was in last year (it was the 3 year old room and now is a pre-k room). He has the teacher that he has been with all summer. She is working on her degree at UCF to become an elementary teacher, which is good because she should be willing to push him in the classroom. There aren't any children in his class from last year, but that's fine with me. Blake very easily interacted with the other children in the room last night and seemed very comfortable.
Hard to believe that in a few months he will be turning 5. In a lot of ways I already treat him like he is 5. I'm often told he acts a lot older than his age, which I think is a good thing. But, at the same time it seems like he was just learning to walk, talk and read. Now he is on the education path. I am so excited to watch him learn and grow.
I know many parents want to keep their children young, but in many ways I'm the opposite. I can't wait to see the next challenge that lays in front of them. I've watched them bloom into learners already. Blake is already pretty athletic and soon Colby will be playing sports too. Both boys love to learn, play with others and go and do. I know they will excel at a lot in their lifetime and I can't wait to be there to cheer them on. And just as much I look forward to seeing them learn from their mistakes and grow from that too.
On Monday we turn the page on a new chapter of life, and I'm excited to see what this chapter holds.
Are you ready for your child's school year to start? Who is more excited you or your child(ren)?
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