
Ten years ago today our country was united, not by something positive, but a major tragedy. It is a day that sticks out in my mind, a day that I can describe in detail. It was a day of fear and sadness. But the next day, was the first of many days that was time to show your pride. There were American flags flying everywhere. People were proud to wear red, white and blue. People stood up and said, you may break our buildings, you may try to damage our properties, but you will not break our spirits. You will not scare us. You will not bring fear, but bring pride.

I look at the life today and say, why did it go away. At what point did people stop waving the flags? At what point did we say it was ok to relax and not feel the need to stand up and scream "I'm proud to be an American"?

Life often gets in the way of doing things. But as we reflect on that tragic even that unfolded before our eyes ten years ago today, take time to stand up again and say:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands. ONE nation under. INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice for ALL!


Then say a prayer for those who lost their lives that tragic day and the days following. As for peace for their families, as well as the many heroes that emerged from those ashes. As as always to thank the men and women who put their lives on the line each day to protect those freedoms that we often take for granted.



  1. What a great post Lori. Beautiful picture too!

  2. I think it ensures our very survival that we have the ability to heal from tragedies like that, and faith in God sure makes a big difference too. We never forget, but we adjust and carry on.

  3. Beautiful post! I loved how the country came together after such a terrible tragedy. My thoughts are still with those who lost loved ones and those who continue to serve our country.


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