In this kit, you will find:
Peter, Peter Pumpkin Class book. After having children learn the poem Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater, have the children write a page of what they would put into a pumpkin shell to protect. There are two pages as one says he and one says she.
Many Faces of Jack. This is a mini book that the children can read and create their own illustrations to match the words. It is a great way to talk about reading emotions too.
How Do Pumpkins Grow? After reading stories about how pumpkin's grow such as Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington, It's Pumpkin Time by Zoe Hall or From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer, have children make their own books to show the process of how pumpkins grow.
Pumpkin Glyph. A glyph is a fun way for children to collect information. This also makes a fun bulletin board. Give each child a sheet of orange construction paper, a half sheet of black construction paper and a square of either green or brown (depending on gender), then have the children create their own pumpkin according to the glyph's criteria. After they have been displayed, you can go back and answer the questions on the second sheet. I suggest hanging a copy of the criteria on the bulletin board too so others can see why each pumpkin was made that way.
Pumpkin Measurement. This would make a fun learning station during your pumpkin activity week. The children cut the strip of pumpkins at the bottom of the sheet and use it to measure common classroom items.
Pumpkin Words. This is a fun and easy way to practice common kindergarten sight words. The children have to read the words and then color by the number of letters in each word. This would be a simple morning work paper or be great in a homework packet.
Blank pumpkins. I gave you a set of blank pumpkins to use as you'd like... other sight words, pumpkin patterns, longer measuring strips, writing numbers or letters... whatever you'd like!
And.... for visiting my blog you get one more free pumpkin paper. Alphabet pumpkins. A quick and fun review of alphabetical order.
These learning activities grouped with a few fun pumpkin art projects and you've got a fun week of learning. Click here and here to see some of the pumpkin art we've done in the past I hope you have fun with these fun pumpkin items. If you use my kit in your class, please come back and let me know what you liked!