As a kindergarten teacher I was often asked, "What can I do to help my child learn to read?" My answer was always the samething... "Read, read and read some more!"
I began reading to Blake the day we came home from the hospital. People thought I was crazy, but I read him at least 1 book a day often more than one. It soon became a very special time for the two of us and as early as a few weeks old he would get excited when he saw me take out his favorite books.
Fast forward 13 months and now my little guy often can be found sitting in a pile of books flipping through the pages. I often say that I know when he's quiet the first place I should look is over with his books. He gets more exited over seeing a new book than a new toy. Blake has books in his crib, on his bookshelf in his bedroom, in a basket in the living room, in his diaper bag, and then there are Mommy's books which are brought out as a treat.
Book was one of the first words that he mastered outside of Mommy, Daddy, Abby and milk. I can only hope that this is the beginning of a great love of reading and learning!
You are so right! At my shower I received over 100 books and I started my daughter's library. Reading is the greatest gift you can give. Some of my fondest memories as a child involve my father reading to me. He would read aloud to me from grown up books and enjoyed it so much. I remember him reading Charles Dickens to me when I was very young! I look forward to the many special moments I will share reading with my daughter. Plus, being a K teacher comes in handy because I know so many great titles. (Not to mention songs, nursery rhymes, finger plays, etc)