Mommy guilt

Yesterday was tough (I know you thought it was smooth after my posts... lol!). Then Colby had a rough night, I saw that coming around 5:30. I slept on the couch so that Richard could sleep, why have both of us up all night??

So today, after our walk Colby woke up to eat... and I did something I don't like to do... I turned on the tv and let Blake watch tv all morning. I usually limit him to 1 hour before nap time and 1.5 hours before dinner. But, this morning I was too tired to try to entertain him and nurse Colby.

Let me tell you, I may feel guilty for using the tv, but this morning went sooo much better. Colby nursed and then was happy as could be because he ate and burped well. Then he nursed again right before Blake's nap time and was sound asleep by the time I needed to put Blake down.

Blake walked to his room without a fuss, and is soundly sleeping.

So now I'm off to have lunch and maybe catch a few "zzzz" myself!


  1. I am glad the morning is going better. Don't be too hard on yourself. You could be a terrible mother like me who has the tv on at all times, LOL.
    Sad, I know...but we all do what we gotta do. NOw go get some shut eye, HUGS!

  2. Never feel guilty for giving yourself a break now and then and in fact it gives Blake a break too. It's good for everyone!


  3. Guilty? Please don't! You are such an involved mom--you've already set the foundation with Blake. If anything, he probably appreciates the "down time" and so does mommy and Colby.

    Hope you got some great rest!

  4. Welcome to the dark side. Trust me there are many of us over here. Lyndsy watches TV for at least 2 hours many mornnings so that I can get up, take care of Jillian and maybe just maybe get a shower! Don't worry, he'll be fine!

  5. oh i'm so glad i'm not the only one! i should be making the kids schedule since they're starting to get bored of not doing anything since school was out:(

  6. I hope you were able to get a few extra zzzs!!

  7. don't feel guilty!!! It is not going to be a regular occurance if I know you Lori! So don't sweat it.

  8. There is nothing wrong with using the tv for some downtime!!!! you need rest too!

  9. Do not feel guilty! There is nothing wrong with getting some help when you need it. If that means in the form of tv, that is okay. You are in the newborn stages with Colby- it is about survival. You do what you have to do so you can get through. When Colby is older and things settle down and smooth out, you can limit the tv time more. Until then - don't feel guilt!

  10. Stop the guilt! In those first few months you just gotta get by. You are such an awesome mom. A few days in front of the golden god won't make a difference in the long run! Hope you got some much needed rest.


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