shopping question for you

thought that would get the attention of some!

I need to buy another monitor. We have one in Blake's room, but it seems to be spotty at best lately which is fine with a 21 month old, but not for a 2 month old. Plus I'm not sure I'm comfortable not having any monitor in Blake's room for over night. I only use it during the day when I'm in the shower because I can hear him for the most part.

But, I do not want to have Colby napping in his own room without a monitor in there with him. Especially since I know Blake will want to go outside from time to time when Colby's asleep.

I thought about getting a dual zone monitor, but not sure I want to splurge on it seeing as Blake won't need his for much longer (I hope).

Soooo my question is.... what monitor do you have/ have you had, that you are either very happy with or very unhappy with?

Any help would be appreciated!!


  1. i don't think i can be of much help.. I wish you happy hunting though!

  2. i don't think i can be of much help.. I wish you happy hunting though!

  3. i don't think i can be of much help.. I wish you happy hunting though!

  4. I have a dual monitor so that I can have one in Ashlyn's room and Riley's room. I know that A is 4 so she probably wouldn't need one, but my bedroom is downstairs and she is upstairs and so I am not comfortable without using one. I like the one we have though at the moment I can't think of the brand name. Good luck with your decision!

  5. I am no help, ours died a slow death a while ago but it was a Fisher Price single one and it lasted 7 years. I didn't know there was dual ones, we sure could have used that...

  6. My friend had a dual monitor and has really liked it so far! I used a monitor with my daughter until she was 3 and a half. She was a preemie and it just made me more comfortable. So, whatever is more comfortable for you is great!

  7. i just have a plain ol fisher-price one. works great for us! but i only have one lil guy to listen in on.


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