Dec 10th

Can you believe it is the 10th day of December?? I can't... I have so much to do still and still haven't figure out how to do it and still do everything else with two kiddos.  I don't know how single parents do it... kudos to you!

Today's book was The Bear Santa Claus Forgot, by Diana Kimpton. This is a very cute story about a teddy bear that falls out of Santa's sack and finds a way to still be Maddie's Christmas present. Dirty, wet and cold, and hastily wrapped Maddie still loves this special bear in the end.

Today we didn't do anything Christmas so I figured I'd provide some updates for you. Our chili came in second at Richard's chili cook-off! All of the chili was gone and others left with some still in their crock pots. We are now making 2 more batches for Richard to take into a pot luck on Tuesday. Hmmm wonder how these batches will come out??

Richard stopped on his way home from work yesterday and picked up the disk with the pictures of the boys with Santa. There were five pictures on the disk... most came out really good. Here is a cute one, but not my favorite. I don't want to share that one just yet.



  1. congrats on the chili and the boys look so cute and i cant believe they are in shorts and this is the longest run on sentence ever. Cute.

  2. We have been thinking of going to find Santa to take pictures. I guess I'd better get on that, seeing as it is already the 10th!

  3. Awwww, super cute santa picture. And yea for the Chili, I love chili....

  4. Such a cute picture....and no one is crying! BONUS!


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