Five Question Friday

My Little Life
It's time for Five Question Friday again.  Head on over to My Little Life, grab the questions and join in the fun.  

1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?  Ummm I have no clue.  I pop on and off throughout the day.  I have a laptop on my kitchen peninsula so I can stand in the living room and work on my laptop while the boys watch tv and/or play.  My big chunk of time is during Colby's nap time. 

2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?  We have started Florida pre-paid college funds for both boys.  We will pay for them to go to undergrad school, as it isn't an option for them to go or not... they WILL go to college!  I want them to be able to go to college without the concern of how they will pay for it.  My parents (and Richard's too) paid for my tuition so I could then just work for spending money and focus on college and all that college brings. 

3. Have you ever been in a car accident?  Yes, I have been in a few actually, but only caused 1.  The first day I drove by myself I got in an accident.  The next year I got hit head on on my birthday... happy birthday to me!  I have driven off the road due to black ice (yes that was when I lived in the north... western New York actually).  I was also in the car when someone else was in a car accident.  I don't care how often it happens, how slow/fast you are going.... it is a scary feeling no matter what!

4. What is your favorite book?  Hmmm that is hard!  I'm not sure I have a favorite book as an adult.  I have a lot of authors that I like, but I'm not the kind of person who will read a book over and over again.  I read it and move on to the next book.  As far as a children's book, that is hard too since I have sooo many and have read even more over the years.  And yet again, I have my favorite authors there too.  

Ok I know that didn't answer the question, but I guess my answer is my favorite depends on my mood.

5. Do you make your bed everyday?  to some degree... yes.  I always pull the covers up and put the quilt over it, do I tuck it all in and put the decorative pillows on top and all that... yeah no!


  1. Like to get to know you a little better. I make my bed everyday. My parents started a college fund for my kids. I am so thankful.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yikes - You're good. I hardly ever make my bed! I also have my computer in the kitchen, it is just easier to be around the room the kids are playing in. I had to pay for my school ALL myself and am up to my eyeballs in debt, so I hope I can help my kids out as much as possible. I do not want them to go through what I have.

  4. Thanks for posting a comment to my blog Lori. I enjoyed your answers. Looking forward to getting to know you better. . .

  5. What would us mom's do without naptime!? My three year old is starting to not nap everyday and I'm all "NO! That is my computer time!! You WILL nap!" :)

  6. Found your lovely blog on 5QF! I enjoyed reading your answers!



  7. Loved your answers too! I so wish I had a laptop!


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