Happy Boys

This weekend was the first in a while that we didn't have something on the calendar.  So we took advantage and did a whole lot of nothing.  We took the boys over to Lowes, on Saturday.  Look what was there:

We had a bit of shopping to do there too so of course you can't go into any home improvement type store without doing this....

They had a blast... who knew it would be so fun to run a few errands??



  1. FUN! Great to have days where there is nothing on the calendar. Jacob would have LOVED to be in those pics.

  2. Which Lowe's did you go to?? My hubby was at the Lowe's in Waterford and the car was there. He took Ryan over to see it!

  3. Cute! I guess the love for all motorized things starts early with boys!

  4. I love little unplanned bonuses! We went to Michael's craft store this weekend and they were doing a fun craft with flowerpots decorated to look like a ladybug. Lyndsy had a blast and it only cost $1.


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