
Next time I complain about all that is going wrong, stop me before I ask what's next? That sarcastic comment may come back to bite me... as it just did.

In 4 months Blake has had 4 ear infections, chicken pox, possible seasonal allergies. Colby had 2 ear infections. Oh and don't forget the stomach flu that took out the whole family.

You begin to feel like... ok enough is enough... right? Don't I have the right to think that this should be over with? Ok time to make a doctor appointment with the ENT to see if Blake needs tubes. Fine, that will help. I have no problem with that... not that I want him to have to go through another out patient surgery, but if it helps... I'm ok with it.

Well... Wednesday night and Thursday night Blake had rough nights due to coughing spells. Friday morning both boys woke up and were coughing way too much. But, it would slow down and then they would be fine. It sounded to me like they were dealing with post nasal drips... oh joy the Zyrtec isn't working or something. By 4:00pm Colby had developed a low grade fever that didn't seem to be getting better with Tylenol.... now what? After Richard gets home, and I realize that the fever isn't breaking, we decide that it's time to pack them up and take them to the after hours clinic. We decided to have them both looked at since they both are still coughing up a storm.

Well we left with:Photobucket times TWO.

Yep... both my guys are on nebulizer treatments. So every 4 hours this is now what I see

Is it 2011 yet? Not sure I want to see what the 2nd half of 2010 has to bring..... or maybe I should just say BRING IT ON! I'm ready to take on the next challenge.



  1. Hope everyone feels better soon!!!

  2. kelly,
    has any doctor told you that your kids might have severe food allergies. many of the kids that have had a large number of ear infections and allergies ended up allergic to wheat and dairy. even parents who were skeptical saw huge improvements within a week of removing one or both from their kids diet. you might want to give it a try. it will change your life if it turns out that one of them is the cause.


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