*Friday morning I put the boys into the bike trailer and rode to a friend's neighborhood were we met up to let the boys go swimming in the pool.
*Friday night we worked on pulling out more of the bushes in front of the house. I managed to get 6 out during the week. Richard plowed through them a LOT faster than me, but hey I helped right?
*Saturday morning found us on the soccer field at 8:30am. Blake's team only had 5 players again, but you wouldn't have known by the score. We dominated, not that they keep score, but when the other team doesn't score at all...ummm yeah! Blake did score again this weekend. Another player set him up perfectly to score.
*Straight to the Y after that. Felt good to get in a workout with Richard.
*Back home to do more yard work. We dug up some more bushes, and Richard broke 2 sprinkler pipes in the process...oops!
*Saturday afternoon found us going to a birthday party for a boy the boys know from the Y. It was at a gym where the kids can run, jump, climb, bounce, and go, go, go! They had a blast. This was the second birthday party we've been to at this location.
*After we stopped at Lowes and BJ's. We picked up the new coach lights for the house!
*Sunday morning Richard went for a bike ride. The boys and I hung out and read on the couch and played while he was gone.
*After a trip to the bike store, Richard broke a spoke while riding, we headed back to Lowes to get a few more things that we needed.
*I got to take a nap when we got home. The boys watched Formula 1 with Richard then made dinner.
*After dinner it was back out front for more yard work. And we still have about 8 stumps to pull out. Then we still need to get fill to put in the holes and probably more rock to cover the spaces. Oh well... it will all be worth it in the long run!
Hope you had a great weekend. Time to get the slip and slide out for the boys. Already seeing 90s here... time to cool off!

Sounds like an awesome weekend! We went swimming too. Ryan is taking lessons now so we are trying to get in some practice!