I have Walt Disney World as one of my "likes" on Facebook. Today their status is a question that I found interesting.
If I could start my day with a hug from any Disney character, I’d hug ____________.
I quick looked through the list and saw many of the names I expected to see. I was thinking... hmmm who would I want a hug from? When I was a child the answer would be easy... Minnie Mouse. There is a picture of me shaking hands with Cinderella and I wasn't happy because she was blocking me from getting Minnie's attention at the parade. I'm not not, and never really have been, a princess fan. People who know me probably would not be shocked by that statement.
Mickey is my favorite character, but that seems so obvious. So then I was thinking who else? I'm taking the boys to Magic Kingdom and Epcot today to meet a friend I met on-line while pregnant with Blake then have dinner over at Epcot. I'll have to keep my eyes open and think, who would I want a hug from?
What about you?

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