Happy 5th Birthday Blake

5 years ago today I became a mother. Hard to believe it. I love to watch both my sons learn and grow, but Blake never ceases to amaze me every day in what he knows and does. Blake is an athlete, an intellect, a caring child, a book lover, a sports fan, a great brother, a kind friend. He is stubborn, looks at the world as black and white, loves to win but is still a good looser. He sees the world with the innocence of a child, but comprehends a lot more than people expect. He and I might butt heads from time to time, but I love him with all my heart. In many ways he is a Momma's boy, but trust me he is all Blake!

I love you Blake Thomas and I can't wait to see what the next year will bring. Love, Mommy



  1. Aw, Happy Birthday to your boy! It's amazing to watch a life and personality grow before your eyes isn't it?

  2. Wonderful words about your son. Happy birthday to Blake! I loved the pictures! He quite the cutie. :)

  3. Very cute! Happy 5th Birthday Blake!

  4. Happy Birthday Blake!
    looks like 11-11 was a very good day!!:)
    have a happy day lori


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