Here is the next set of stories:
Christmas Song of the North by Marsha Bonicatto is a version of the 12 days of Christmas based on the flora and fauna you'd find in the North Woods of Michigan.
Welcome Comfort by Patricia Polacco is a wonderful story about how the next Santa is picked. Welcome Comfort is a young boy who starts going to Union City Elementary School. There he meets Mr. Hamp who he befriends. Welcome grew up in foster care and doesn't believe in Santa, yet Mr. Hamp helps him believe. On that first Christmas Santa takes Welcome for a sleigh ride. Turns out that Mr. Hamp is Santa and he has chosen Welcome to pass on this important job to after Welcome finds love and happiness.
Christmas Magic by Michael Garland. Emily decides that this Christmas is more magical than ever, and she is right. After making a snow-woman named Katrina, Emily find magic everywhere in her house. And to top if off... Katrina comes to life.
The Mighty Santa Fe by William H. Hooks is about a young boy names William who doesn't want to go to Great Granny Blue's house for Christmas because he will have to leave his trains home. Turns out Great Granny Blue has a few surprises for William including a magical trip on a train, the Mighty Santa Fe.
Harold at the North Pole by Crockett Johnson. Remember Harold and the Purple Crayon? Well Harold's on another adventure and this time he saves Santa on the way.
Cranberry Christmas by Wende and Harry Devlin is part of a series of books that take place in Cranberryport. Mr. Wiskers has to prove that he owns the pond behind his house and not Cyrus Grape, and at the same time prove to his sister that he can live in Cranberryport alone.
In Country Angel Christmas by Tomie dePaola, the country angels are asked by St. Nicholas to make the Christmas celebration for Heaven. They aren't sure they are up to the task, but find a way to pull it off. Even the littlest angels, Ari, Pip and Kira help make it a beautiful Christmas celebration.
Margret and HA Rey's Merry Christmas Curious George is yet another adventure with George the monkey. This time George goes to a Christmas tree farm where he climbs the biggest tree and ends up being taken with the tree to the Children's hospital where he gets in a bit of mischief.

Oh need to hurry to the library! good books
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